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Каблуки у нас категорически запрещены! Важно, чтобы на ногах была надета обувь на плоской подошве, хорошо защищающая подъем стопы (кроссовки, кеды, ботинки).
Предпочтите одежду, не включающую в себя светоотражающих элементов.
На наши игры распространяются возрастные ограничения. В Lost Sanctuary могут играть дети от 10 лет. В City-Z дети старше 12 лет.
Гостей младше 18 лет, мы можем допустить до игры только с согласия законного представителя. При себе необходимо иметь заполненный одним из родителей бланк согласия, а также копии документов (родителя и игрока). Фотография подойдет.
Yesterday, combining a VR arena and a quest room seemed impossible. Today, everything is changing thanks to the new Anvio VR gaming strategy.
Each of the two extremely popular types of immersive entertainment captures players in its own unique way: VR arenas with the help of advanced technologies transport participants to limitless virtual worlds, and quest rooms offer spaces limited to the physical world, filled with puzzles and various challenges. Anvio has developed a solution to combine these realities.
The global gaming entertainment center market is growing exponentially. According to MarketUpdate, in 2022 its volume was $1.8 billion and it is expected that by 2028 it will reach $13.02 billion at an annual growth rate of 38%.
Anvio expert Denis Voronin explains: "The entertainment industry is rapidly expanding, and we are conducting thorough research not only in the field of technology, but also in the field of consumer trends. That is why we see great potential in adding our play areas to the existing quest location. Both types of gaming activity are popular with a wide variety of companies, as they provide an opportunity for friends, family or colleagues to chat, have fun and try an interactive adventure together. If we consider entertainment activities from the user's point of view, then the owners of quest rooms play well in this equation". Anvio offers these owners VR gaming zones as a universal addition that enriches the gaming capabilities of their clients.
The integration of VR into the quest rooms is a fairly budget upgrade, as it requires minimal equipment: VR headset for each player, a computer and a Wi-Fi router. Anvio VR specialists carefully analyze all technical processes and take into account the layout of existing premises, making integration easy and affordable. Thus, the owners of quest rooms can effortlessly expand their offerings, providing customers with a diverse and exciting gaming experience.
Anvio VR is a leader in the development of virtual reality games. Most games are developed for 5×5 and 10×10 meters platforms. The new version of the gaming platform has a feature for adapting game zones to any space from 25 m2 to 400 m2. Quest lovers will appreciate “Last Sanctuary”. It is an adventure quest that sends players on a journey through an abandoned city, where they need to uncover its ancient secrets in search of hidden treasures. For those looking for thrills, there is “City Z”, it is Anvio's bestseller, a trilogy of exciting VR shooters. The ANVIO library includes nine games designed for different categories of customers. This diversity ensures that the owners of the quest rooms will be able to expand their gaming offerings and attract a wider audience.