Сертификат может быть использован для оплаты двух сеансов. При необходимости забронировать сеанс превышающий по стоимости номинал сертификата, возможна доплата наличными или банковской картой.
Сертификат действителен в течение 3 месяцев со дня покупки.
Для покупки сертификата необходимо оплатить счет. Счет отправляется по электронной почте.
Условия доставки в вашем городе уточняйте у менеджера.
Сертификаты также можно купить непосредственно на локациях Anvio в Москве, Санкт-Петербурге, Уфе, Казани, Челябинске, Калининграде, Волгограде и Воронеже.
Бронирование сеансов с помощью сертификатов осуществляется по телефону выбранной для посещения локации.
Сертификаты обмену и возврату не подлежат.
Скидки на сеансы по сертификату не применяются.
Правила посещения локации
Необходимо быть на локации за 20 минут до начала сеанса, чтобы пройти подготовительный инструктаж.
Каблуки у нас категорически запрещены! Важно, чтобы на ногах была надета обувь на плоской подошве, хорошо защищающая подъем стопы (кроссовки, кеды, ботинки).
Предпочтите одежду, не включающую в себя светоотражающих элементов.
На наши игры распространяются возрастные ограничения. В Lost Sanctuary могут играть дети от 10 лет. В City-Z дети старше 12 лет.
Гостей младше 18 лет, мы можем допустить до игры только с согласия законного представителя. При себе необходимо иметь заполненный одним из родителей бланк согласия, а также копии документов (родителя и игрока). Фотография подойдет.
Interest in augmented reality (AR) games is steadily increasing. However, current technological limitations still hinder the full potential of augmented reality experience. Let's explore how the entertainment landscape is evolving, what AR games are and what will happen next with AR.
AR games consist of virtual reality (VR) and the physical world. They ensure the smooth integration of virtual reality adventures into our world. By utilizing various cameras, microphones, and GPS, these applications craft immersive visual and auditory experiences layered onto reality. Extending the concept further, augmented reality games improve immersion by connecting worlds.
Augmented reality games distinguish themselves by anchoring players in their world, unlike virtual reality, which immerses users entirely in a simulated environment. This unique approach not only provides a distinctive adventure in augmented reality but also enhances accessibility, as AR games can be played on everyday mobile devices without the need for specialized equipment like virtual reality headsets.
AR games can be accessed via smartphones and specialized headsets. While augmented reality headsets offer an unparalleled level of immersion by projecting 3D visuals, their high cost makes them less accessible to the many people. Players prefer the convenience of smartphones. However, the possibilities of AR based on smartphones sometimes do not allow you to fully realize the potential of exciting augmented reality adventures.
"Zombies, Run!" is an AR game that immerses players in a zombie chase experience using GPS-based audio cues. Another landmark in AR gaming, "Pokémon Go," swiftly achieved global popularity. By leveraging the camera on mobile devices, players could encounter Pokémon in their real-world environments, creating a captivating illusion of their presence. This augmented reality game’s success turned it into a worldwide phenomenon, inspiring the creation of many other AR games and showcasing the public's keen interest in augmented reality technology.
AR games also promote healthy living by incentivizing physical activities like walking or jogging with rewards and milestones. This encourages an active lifestyle.
QR codes or specialized tags stimulate interactions between digital and real environments. They serve as critical anchors, helping to accurately position digital elements within the player's surroundings, thus increasing overall immersion in augmented reality.
Mixed reality (MR) represents an advanced evolution of augmented reality. It organically combines virtual elements with the physical world, allowing virtual reality objects to dynamically respond to the user’s gestures and movements, overcoming limitations of traditional AR games.
Accurately recognizing physical environments remains a significant challenge for current computational technologies, restricting games' full capabilities. However, advancements in machine vision, artificial intelligence (AI), and computational hardware offer a promising future, paving the way for more seamless integration of MR technologies into gaming.
As smartphones become more powerful and 5G technology enables faster data transfer, the quality of AR games is expected to improve significantly. Over time, AR games might become as engaging as virtual reality experiences, as current developments in the field of virtual reality play a crucial role there. AR games look promising, with endless possibilities for innovation.